蔡昌壽斲琴學會教育委員 • ⟪蔡昌壽⟫傳記作者(快將出版)
by Li Fee
Education Committee member of Choi Chang Sau Qin Making Society, author of Choi Chang Sau - a biography )
A true story for children (in Chinese only):
by Lian-hee Wee
Council Member and Education Committee Member of Choi Chang Sau Qin Making Society
Tracing the history of a Fuxi-Style Qin of the Rulan Chao Pian Collection, presented by Dr. Tse Chun-yan; a concert with the Fuxi-Style Qin of the Rulan Chao Pian Collection
連結: 香港中文大學圖書館
Link : The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library - the CT Scans of the Fuxi-Style Qin of the Rulan Chao Pian Collection
Master Choi Chang Sau's birthday party +
Newborn Qins Tryout Party (Autumn 2020)
天人合一:道家哲學 x 古琴藝術 x 內家拳 x 氣功
Tianren Heyi - Taoism x Qin x Neijiaquan x Chigung
a rendezvous of philosophy, music and martial arts (by invitation only)

2018年12月15日 北京恭王府博物館
15 December 2018 Prince Kung's Palace Museum, Beijing
Master Choi Chang Sau being designated a Representative Inheritor of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China at the National Level (certificate received on behalf of Master Choi by apprentices Kelwin Kwan and Ho Wing Tze.)

2015年6月11日 香港中央圖書館
11 June 2015 Hong Kong Central Library
Master Choi Chang Sau and apprentice Kelwin Kwan presenting the entitlement certificate granted by the Ministry of Culture, enlisting Hong Kong's art of Zhuoqin as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of China at the National Level.